There's a countdown to Christmas with Ariana Grande's fragrances. The singer recently released her 2023 advent calendar – Ariana Grande Fragrances The Scented Library .

Ariana Grande Fragrances The Scented Library Advent calendar – what is hidden in it?
The new Ariana Grande Fragrances The Scented Library limited edition advent calendar includes 12 miniatures of perfumes released by the Ariany brand . There are iconic scents and also those that are harder to find. All cruelty-free. The perfect way to get to know all the perfumes without having to buy full-size bottles? Check the price of such a set first.
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At this time, the calendar is only available in the US at Ulta Beauty . Price? 150 dollars . We are waiting for information on whether and when it will reach Europe - we will inform you immediately. 😉 But let's not get false hopes - they were probably planned only for the American market.
What will you find inside? If you really want to know what specific products are hidden in the Ariana Grande Fragrances The Scented Library Advent Calendar and spoil the surprise, expand the block below. Just don't say later that we didn't warn you! 😉
Expand to see full content Ariana Grande Fragrances The Scented Library

- MOD Vanilla Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- MOD Blush Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- God Is A Woman Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- REM Deluxe Mini Parfum 6.5 ml
- Thank U Next Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- Cloud Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- Cloud 2.0 Intense Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- Moonlight Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- Sweet Like Candy Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- Sweet Like Candy Limited Edition Red Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- Limited edition Frankie Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
- Ari by Ariana Grande Deluxe Mini Parfum 7.4 ml
A lovely Advent calendar, but we are a bit disappointed - there is no new product. And are you tempted to buy such a set or is this price too much?
Ariana Grande advent calendar/library of scents is now available on Ulta beauty (US only atm)
— Ariana Grande Updates (@AGSpotifyData) November 5, 2023