It is not a joke. The first saliva pregnancy test has just appeared on the market . It was developed by Abingdon Health. For now, Salistick™ is only available for sale in the UK . Perhaps it will also appear in several European countries in the near future.
Salistick™ – the world's revolutionary first saliva pregnancy test
The product has obtained European CE certification . This pregnancy test is described as a device characterized by high accuracy in detecting pregnancy from a saliva sample . Perhaps it will become an easier way to check if you are pregnant and allow women to share their joy with their loved ones more comfortably, compared to urine pregnancy tests, which are not very hygienic. Is a new era coming?
How does a saliva sample pregnancy test work? “Exciting innovation”
Abigdon Health's product – Salistick™ – is based on the patented Salignostics technology . It detects the presence of the pregnancy hormone - beta-hCG - in saliva .
The pregnancy test is easy to use and is said to be as effective as the urine test, which has been known for 50 years. The clear difference lies in the type of sample. In the case of Salistick, you simply place the swab in your mouth where saliva has accumulated for a while and collect a sample. It is then placed in the analytical unit. The result should be read within 5-15 minutes. Performing such a test is similar to testing for coronavirus .
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“This pregnancy test uses lateral flow technology, exactly the same principle as other urine pregnancy tests.”
Salistick™ can be used at any time of the day . You cannot eat or drink for 30 minutes before using the product. The manufacturer assures that the saliva pregnancy test, used in accordance with the instructions, can detect pregnancy just one day after the missed period with an accuracy of up to 96.32% .
For now, Salistick™ is available exclusively in the UK in the Superdrug chain of stores. It costs £9.99 , or approximately PLN 52. It is not yet known whether and when it will be available in stores in Europe.